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Pack tiles ambientazione esterna

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Amazing work, @Valnar Nightrunner.

Please, can you send to all 137 files of your beautiful creation? ZIP all files and use WeTransfer to send it.

I will create a new content in La Fucina for you.


The MasTer
Main Admin - Forum Italiano di HeroQuest

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Il 7/9/2019 at 15:01, The MasTer dice:

Amazing work, @Valnar Nightrunner.

Please, can you send to all 137 files of your beautiful creation? ZIP all files and use WeTransfer to send it.

I will create a new content in La Fucina for you.


Hi Master !

Of course I'll do that this week-end but my work on this project isn't finished, there's more and more to do. So the packs will be updated. 😉

Sorry, I can't do that before this week-end bucause of my job... Lot of work to do this week.

Thank you for your help !!

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  • Discussioni create:  580
  • Post totali:  5995
  • Reputazione:   3243
  • Punti:  13190
  • Miglior heroquester:  379
  • Iscritto il:  02/09/2005
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Let me know.

The MasTer
Main Admin - Forum Italiano di HeroQuest

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