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Stefan Laustsen

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Collezionista di goblin morti

Collezionista di goblin morti (1/31)



  1. I never saw this. It was an Italian game? Would be awesome to paint, yeah. I would buy it if I could find it (and at a reasonable price).
  2. I hope we will be able to get these great minis. 🙂
  3. I respect your choice @Filo. It is yours to make. I was hoping that you would share on Thingiverse as you got the original scans from there. I don't think sharing these figures would devaluate your professional work. I work with teaching 3D but I want to share some of my personal figures for free on there. I myself divide my professional 3D work with my personal enjoyment of making it as a hobby as well. 🙂 Anyway, I sent you a personal message. If you are only charging a symbolic amount then I am interested in buying these great looking minis.
  4. Welcome @Filo. Your work on the HeroQuest figures is awesome. I hope you will share them on Thingiverse when they are all done. 🙂 Where can I see your other 3D work?
  5. These are totally over the top awesome, @Filo. I love the Chaos dwarf! I hope I will be able to print these minis soon. 🙂
  6. This is really great. Thank you so much for sharing these boxes. @The MasTer would you print them out on A3 cardboard?
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