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Trovato 11 risultati

  1. Buon giorno. Condivido il libro di istruzioni e il quest book in lingua inglese della nuova edizione Hasbro per facilitare la fruizione da parte dei possessori del gioco, visto che non trovo più il link originale alla pagina ufficiale dalla quale è possibile scaricarlo. Per chi si fida è un link WeTransfer perché pesa 60MB e non sapevo come caricarlo in altro modo... sono limitato in queste cose. Ad ogni modo è assimilabile alle istruzioni della vostra aspirapolvere, ed i venditori mettono a disposizione in rete le istruzioni per i possessori. Ho trovato anche tutti i quest book della vecchia edizione USA della MB. Sono solo un po "periliosi" da trovare nel sito Hasbro. Non so se è dove si potranno trovare anche i quest book delle nuove espansioni. 763316264_Rulebook_QuestBookHasbro.pdf
  2. 283 download

    Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. This is the complete pack of decks needed for Episode 1 - Origins, built specifically for adventure. The cards are supplied in PDF format ready for printing. These are all the necessary cards. English translation: @Morcar982 Graphic setting: @Presti70
  3. 203 download

    Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. These are the Additional Rules of Play with very few changes to the rules of the basic game. This file contains the Character Sheet. In a A4 page, four character sheets ready to print.
  4. Scarica il file Epic Quest - Ep.1 - Character Sheet [ENG] Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. These are the Additional Rules of Play with very few changes to the rules of the basic game. This file contains the Character Sheet. In a A4 page, four character sheets ready to print. Inviato da The MasTer Caricato il 08/09/2019 Categoria Epic Quest
  5. Versione Beta 0.1

    241 download

    Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. These are the Additional Rules of Play with very few changes to the rules of the basic game.
  6. 287 download

    Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. This file is the QuestBook (over 30 pages) containing over 10 quests of the First Episode of the saga. The file is supplied in PDF format, ready for printing.
  7. Scarica il file Epic Quest - Ep.1 - Cards Episode 1 [ENG] Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. This is the complete pack of decks needed for Episode 1 - Origins, built specifically for adventure. The cards are supplied in PDF format ready for printing. These are all the necessary cards. English translation: @Morcar982 Graphic setting: @Presti70 Inviato da The MasTer Caricato il 11/02/2019 Categoria Epic Quest
  8. 186 download

    Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. These are the high definition files of the Epic Quest box, created by @Cleps, HeroquestForger of the Heroquest Italian Forum. You must print, cut out and assemble using a thick cardboard. Build the Epic Quest box at home to store tiles, paper-miniatures, and cards. The measures of the finished box are: 60cm x 45cm Height: 12cm Nota: Caricamento del file effettuato a livello Admin.
  9. Scarica il file Epic Quest - Ep.1 - Additional Rules of Play [ENG] Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. These are the Additional Rules of Play with very few changes to the rules of the basic game. Inviato da The MasTer Caricato il 28/01/2019 Categoria Epic Quest
  10. Scarica il file Epic Quest - Ep.1 - Box [ENG] Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. These are the high definition files of the Epic Quest box, created by @Cleps, HeroquestForger of the Heroquest Italian Forum. You must print, cut out and assemble using a thick cardboard. Build the Epic Quest box at home to store tiles, paper-miniatures, and cards. The measures of the finished box are: 60cm x 45cm Height: 12cm Nota: Caricamento del file effettuato a livello Admin. Inviato da Cleps Caricato il 28/01/2019 Categoria Epic Quest
  11. Scarica il file Epic Quest - Ep.1 - QuestBook [ENG] Epic Quest is the biggest saga ever written for Heroquest. An epic adventure divided into several episodes distributed separately. This file is the QuestBook (over 30 pages) containing over 10 quests of the First Episode of the saga. The file is supplied in PDF format, ready for printing. Inviato da The MasTer Caricato il 28/01/2019 Categoria Epic Quest
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