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Gaming Services 0x80073d27 Error When Downlod The Game

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  • Gruppo:  Membri
  • Discussioni create:  1
  • Post totali:  2
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  • Punti:  1
  • Miglior heroquester:  0
  • Iscritto il:  29/10/2022
  • Status:  Offline
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Greetings to all, I am getting a strange error when trying to download this game Epic Quest. I am getting this gaming services 0x80073d27 error on my Windows 11 PC.

I dont have any idea what could be the issue. Has anyone got this error before? Please help me to fix it?

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  • Gruppo:  Membri
  • Discussioni create:  1
  • Post totali:  2
  • Reputazione:   0
  • Punti:  1
  • Miglior heroquester:  0
  • Iscritto il:  29/10/2022
  • Status:  Offline
  • Connesso:  

After posting the thread here, I was searching on Google to solve the issue and found some useful guides like this one. From here, I followed some methods. First I updated the gaming service and reset the Microsoft store. After doing the methods perfectly, I tried to download the game and then installed it and I did not get any error code like that.

Anyway, I am glad that I have resolved the issue and my son and I both are enjoying playing the game together.

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